2021 Seniors
Jennica Baird
Concealed is a backpack designed to let women carry a concealed firearm in a fashionable yet efficient and safe way.
Kuebiko explores the combination of 3D printing and clothing. It utilizes the properties of TPU to create "rubberized" applique and closures.
Kameron Cooper
Larkin is a lamp designed to spark continual moments of sentimental connection between the object and the user.
Emily Kwok
TalkBox is a product that teaches humans age 11-17 positive relationship and communication skills through open-ended discussion.
Zak Gibbons
This project focuses on the DFM, sourcing, and supply chain management that happens after an initial design is selected.
Mick Hill
My project aims to start a conversation about furniture waste through the application of Japanese kintsugi philosophy and technique on disposed furniture.
Carly Matheson
My thesis explores ways to create living spaces that encourage playtime without sacrificing the aesthetics and functionality of standard furnishings.
Chris McConkie
Junction is a modular toy that aims to build kids’ self-confidence and encourage creative exploration.
Corbin Morgan
Seeing how much dryer lint accumulates from household laundry, I explored how it could be recycled back into clothing.
Elias Morgan
Homework Hideaway is a product that aims to help children who are learning remotely experience psychological safety.
Cole Peck
My project highlights how tactile controls can offer solutions to the usability problems caused by digital interfaces.
Dax Pettibone
The Chickadee keyboard balances its small footprint with huge functionality that is focused on how people really use keyboards.
Samantha LaPreal Prince
Penny is a mobile app designed to help women in college unleash their financial potential by increasing money confidence.
Kayla Stowe
I explored mitigating a mother’s trauma in childbirth by improving the patient - healthcare provider relationship.
Jacob Wilcox
Project Shapeshift includes a challenge to simply “make a lamp” and a non-prescriptive kit to get things started.
Paul Xiong
My thesis explores a way to combine my ethnic cultural background with modern/contemporary design by using the traditional construction method of weaving.